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tumblr retrospective

now you may ask, "but shadsy, you still have a tumblr that posts to this day. why do you need to do a retrospective". and to that i say, dear reader and website enthusiast, that the fact of the matter is tumblr is no longer in its heyday. i'm not really that social on it. but there wasa time...when i was. the halcyon years of 2010-2014. i nuked my old blog, unfortunately. and i have some regrets about it. ragrets, even. so i'm going to roll up my sleeves and crawl through the wayback machine, as i do, and tell you a little about those times.

url history

  • i actually made a tumblog waaaaaay back in 2007. i can well assume i deleted everything off it when i restarted using it in 2010
  • my first url was aclarinetlovesatrumpet or some something like that. i was very into my ex. this url would not last long
  • i feel like there was something in between here? when i was in the pokemon rp world?
  • regardless, the next url would be tangointhenight. my fleetwood mac blogging era. there's sadly no crawling available for this as i left it behind long enough ago that someone has grabbed it and is using it now. (although maybe not! the crawl i have for the next url i got is 04/2011, which is a pretty short time)
  • i then changed to tuxedosalsa, still rping in the pokemon world but starting to branch out
  • next, obviously sometime after pmmm released, i went to puellamagirachel. i was pretty fond of this one and kept it for a while, even using it later for a different blog
  • the next url would be sonikkuchan; i used it to match with my ex at the time. held onto this one for a while too, the real heavy sonic rp years
  • finally, i went to shadsy and kept this until the end of the blog, when i changed it to endofshadsy

when i moved blogs, i used raisingheartexelion, and by the time i went to change it back to shadsy after enough time passed, someone was sitting on it. so! i used supershadsy (which was my twitter handle anyway), and have been that way ever since.


i was going to try and split this up in a more regular sort of way, but it's tough...i'm having to really go down memory lane for a lot of these anecdotes. when i first started blogging, after getting a personal blog separate from my rp blogs, i was really heavy into fleetwood mac and also lesbian tumblr as well? i met a handful of people that way, talking and jamming. very social back then. i eventually drifted away from that, to different rp, and slowly into the sonic world, where the rp bug bit me hard AGAIN, and i started accumulating a different crowd to socialize with. i was deep in the sonic rp scene from late 2011 through 2012. i did a lot of flash fiction too, and of course, sonicmusicmusings. i also worked on a longfic called "where life is strong" that never got finished (maybe someday??). a lot of the friends i made through sonic are still pals today! but one nasty breakup later, and some blog stalking, i grew less and less social on tumblr itself. i remade in 2014.

i'm kinda sad that i never backed up anything from those days...i had a lot of writing that i would've wanted to keep that isn't saved anywhere else. i never deleted my rp blogs, so those are all floating around and i'll be able to back them up. but my first never forget your first blog...


anyway, went through internet archive and got some screenies of old layouts. they're a little small...but like just go to the wayback machine and you can find stuff there.

tuxedosalsa circa 04/19/2011. always loved this picture. still had the "let's tango" tagline from the tangointhenight url.

puellamagirachel circa 10/11/2011. featuring some madomami from pmmm, as well as characters i rp'd as or were known for at the time.

puellamagirachel circa 01/05/2012. featuring kyoko from pmmm.

sonikkuchan circa 05/02/2012. featuring some lovely sonadow.

sonikkuchan circa 07/25/2012. more sonadow, this time sabtk flavored.

sonikkuchan circa 10/17/2012. always loved this rainbow shadria layout, i think i still have it saved in my html stuff somewhere...

shadsy circa 01/13/2013. back to a sailor moon layout, eternal themed.

shadsy circa 01/19-01/22/2013. apparently i was layout experimenting. maria themed.

shadsy circa 03/21/2013. this colorblock of team sonic is another favorite.

shadsy circa 04/04/2013. another (spicy?) shadria layout. the climate for shadria was different back then (although i still ship it a little, not as rabidly as back then though)

shadsy circa 04/28/2013. my eva era, with a rei layout here.

shadsy circa 08/09/2013. this bianca layout is super cute. (i had a cheren backsprite here for a while, but then my heart got broken i changed it)

shadsy circa 09/28/2013. sailor moon again, usamamo again (the little mamoru sprite linked to my now spouse's blog)

shadsy circa 02/10/2014. simply usagi themed!

final thots...

man i miss the old blog. want her back. i deactivated it 12/24/2014, but i started my current blog in 02/2014. i think i waffled on deleting it but i'd go back to my former self and at least say BACK UP THE SHIT THAT'S ON IT!!! YOU FORGOT WHAT WAS THERE THAT YOU WANTED TO SAVE!!! oh well. i'm just sentimental is all. that's all!

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