four warriors of light

candie appleton

basics | history | relationships

| off hours


  • age: ~21
  • gender: female (she/her)
  • race: roegydyn, sea wolf
  • height: 6"5'
  • nameday: 31st sun of the 4th umbral moon (august 30th)
  • sexuality: demisexual
  • birthplace: rhotano sea (raised in summerford)
  • commonly found in: limsa lominsa, mor dhona
  • occupation: culinarian, reluctant eorzean champion
  • job/class: culinarian, machinist (formerly: archer/bard)
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early life

on one late summer day, a passenger ship bound for limsa lominsa was hijacked by pirates, on the assumption that it had valuable cargo. leading the fray was a very pregnant captain [aunt], storming into the cabin with her first mates and demanding all valuables be handed over. while the ship's crew was ready to fight, a young hyur woman, also very pregnant, stood up to try to dissolve the conflict without violence. the argument between the two women ramped up, until about the same time, they both went into labor. the heist was off, and two children were born in the arms of the navigator: brynweda and candace.

the two new mothers had a good laugh about it all as they recovered, and a cirugeon on board took the newborns away to be cleaned up. when the ship docked at limsa lominsa, [mom] asked her husband to go fetch the babies. the newborns looked identical, and in an interesting twist of fate, each mother took the others' child. the pirates went to meet up at the missing member with the sanguine sirens, and [mom] and her husband took a caravan back to summerford farms.

it wasn't until candie's 5th birthday and after the birth of her twin brothers, that her mother had noticed something peculiar about her daughter. she carried her pink hair, but she was already four feet tall, as brawny as her father, and her skin had not shaken the greenish hue. [mom] and candie marched over to limsa, where a retiring [aunt] sat at the missing member, with her more appropriately sized daughter at her side. faced with this, the two couldn't help but laugh about it, and vowed to stay in touch and raise the others' child.

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i.e. how does she feel about x character; in vague order of introduction

a realm reborn

thancred: she likes thancred! she was instantly sympathetic when she discovered he got brainwashed for ascian gain and immediately made a meal for him after he became himself again. his womanizing ways barely register on her radar, and he has never tried to make a pass at her. thancred thinks she's overly naive and trusting, and way too idealistic. however, she does continue to get results! he thinks of her as a little sister, although not one he is necessarily in charge of or has to protect. these two have a special moment in SB when it came to yotsuyu.

y'shtola: candie is gently intimidated by her at first, but warms pretty quickly. she definitely refers to her as "mom" on accident. she's in awe of y'shtola's magical prowess and deeply respects and trusts her fully. y'shtola also thinks candie is too naive and trusting, but does not chastise her like thancred does. in fact, she's usually the first one to say "now, now, be kind to our friend" if someone is condescending or rude to candie. she'll make a fuss when invited to dinner, but she always goes.

yda/lyse: candie LOVES yda, she's always excited when she gets to work together with her. they are on a similar wavelength, especially in the ARR days. she's gentle with candie when she gets too upset and overwhelmed ("now now, chin up!") in her own way. this kind of shifts when lyse is reintroduced--she's SO focused on her cause that she gets a little annoyed when candie gets upset. the poor girl takes this to heart and spends SB trying desperately to keep her chin up. lyse enjoys candie's bright and candid personality--candie is just a regular girl from summerford farms born in the arms of the navigator, who happens to also be the warrior of light. they're good friends.

papalymo: he was always in candie's peripheral, but she had a hefty amount of respect for him. she tried to stay behind when he was using tupsamati on shinryu and he had to blast her away. papalymo saw a lot of lyse in her, and perhaps chided her a bit too much for being such a crybaby, but was relieved to learn how much she had grown in the time between the banquet and the end of the dragonsong war. he's also one of the few who said "my dear, why do you of all people have a firearm" when she shows up with a machinist's arm.

tataru: candie and tataru are BESTIES. she teaches her how to cook and they swap recipes when they're in ishgard together. they use each other's hookups in respective guilds to get each other the items and things they need. candie is a very reliable lackey, and if she weren't the warrior of light OR the bismarck's finest chef, she would be a well oiled cog in tataru's business empire. candie always wears the clothes tataru makes for her. tataru understands her vibe completely--she would be feeling the same emotions if SHE were suddenly thrown into being the world's hero. they cry crocodile tears together. :')

urianger: candie was nervous and overly polite around urianger at first...until she realized that he's a big nerd and a bit of a softie. he just talks like that all the time. she has to really pause to understand him. but they get along fine! she forgives him immediately after his whole thing with the warriors of darkness. because of this, he also thinks she's a little too trusting, but he also can't blame her. he sees a bit of "we have to save everyone" in her that he resonates with. there's a short bit in SHB where candie can't look at him directly, and while urianger is like "oh god she knows my plan" when he finally tries to confront her, she's just like "YOUR NEW OUTFIT...YOU LOOK SO HANDSOME..." and covers her face. and he's like. ah. he actually frets about this and thinks it's Something More, but afterwards candie quickly goes back to her usual self. he has a quiet crush on her, but nothing comes of it.

minfilia: another character candie calls "mom" on accident! both minfilia and candie think that the other is so sweet. they feel a connection to each other via being Hydelean's Favorite, so when they have moments alone together, they have sleepover type secret sessions. candie makes minfilia feel less like a leader, and more just like...a person. which is nice. losing her made her melancholy, but she gets a little trinket made for her that she gives to her the last time she sees her in the source.

alphinaud: candie is quite fond of alphinaud; it's like having a little brother to bother around all the time. while her own brothers are rough and tumble, alphinaud has not been tossed around enough as a child, so she likes to tease him. she respects him immensely for how well spoken and how he navigates politics, even before the banquet. she holds no animosity to him when he's wallowing post-banquet and gives him a huge hug. they're very close and candie likes to call him "alphy", much to his changrin. alphinaud used to dismiss her because he was like "oh she's so immature" before he really got to know her, and he got to see her grow alongside him. now he understands.

moenbryda: her and moenbryda were fast friends. this was how candie learned about how much of a nerd urianger was! candie thought of her like a big sister. moenbryda taught candie a bunch about her research, and candie was in awe of how smart she was. she was heartbroken when she died, especially after meeting her so soon, and was the first wake up call that was like "oh, because i'm in this line of work, my friends may always be in danger."


haurchefant: these two are kindred spirits, and candie learned some of her inner strength from him. he is a knight in high spirits! when candie isn't freaking out, she's quite plucky! haurchefant had a bit of a crush on her, but never had the chance to formally let her know. candie is a little dense on that front; she would have picked up on it if she were more intuitive, but she did not. they were also fast friends and candie took his death especially hard.

ysayle: ysayle is the 3rd most intimidating person she's ever met, ever. although she famously did not take in any of her speech and was like "wow girl pretty" upon first meeting, her intensity definitely made her watch her step afterwards. as soon as candie sees she likes cute things and sees a softer side of her, she instantly warms up. she deeply sympathizes with her and was similarly devestated when she died so suddenly. she had a little custom moogle plush made for her...and she never got to give it to her...

aymeric: candie really looks up to aymeric. he's a politician with lofty ideals and keeps his cool most of the time, gentle spoken and a strong fighter. ironically, aymeric really admires candie, so they're just blathering compliments onto each other every time they meet. aymeric is teased that if he likes the warrior of light so much, he ought to marry her, but he laughs it off and turns it down. (unless...?) candie always speaks warmly of ser aymeric and still cannot stop calling him by several titles at once.

estinien: the 2nd most intimidating person she's ever met! candie can barely speak two words directly to estinien, and that's when he IS wearing a helmet. estinien at the beginning thinks she's overly emotional and is quite hard on her, berating her and leaving alphinaud to defend her. candie forgives this when maybe she should ask for an apology. after the dragonsong war and when he's conscripted into being a scion, estinien softens significantly on her, and gets ruffled when she's still so intimidated. he also experiences the dissonance of "the eikonslayer needs to be protected at all costs".

krile: candie and krile are not close necessarily, but she's another one that candie accidently calls "mom". candie always asks krile about stories from sharlayan and dirt on the twins. krile is also in the "she's so naive" camp, but is also so fond of candie's bright energy. they both kind of admire each other from more of a distance than some of the others.

alisae: she's a little stiff with candie at first, but that goes away pretty quickly as candie is like "oh! it's another little sibling! :D". alisae is FIERCELY protective of candie; she had this idea of the warrior of light in her mind, thanks to the stories she heard, but as soon as she sees candie in action, she thinks "oh, she has my sword 100%." they are both trying to out protect each other, and they have sleepover like talks together when they have alone time as well.


gosetsu: candie LOVES gosetsu. he's like an uncle to her.




between expacs...

a realm reborn: found most often at the bismarck, hustling in the kitchen. when she's not there, she is at her family home in summerford farms, inviting various scions to dinner.

heavensward: after not being an exile, she does go back to the bismarck a bit, but not as often. she spends most of her time in falcon's nest sharpening her alchemist skills, making potions and salves for hurt and wounded ishgardian soldiers. and also getting the up and up on ishgardian cuisine (they love her over there). she is also very active in the ishgard restoration.

stormblood: as soon as ala mhigo is freed, candie heads back to the far east and cooks on the azim steppe. though she spends most of her time in reunion learning how to make buuz, she stays with the mol, and visits the oronir (specifically esugen), offering her culinary and chirugeon skills after heated battles. during 4.3, she puts the whole story at a standstill as she stays with gosetsu and tsuyuu in doma for...a significant time, trying to rehabilitate her. she is also active in the doman restoration.

shadowbringers: after 5.0, she takes the time to visit her family after being away for quite a while. but, she returns to the first to work in the crystalline mean. once everyone has returned to the source, she goes back to the bismarck (although [head chef] is like "ye should start yer own restaraunt girlie" and candie is like "sir i don't have TIME to run a business. i just want to COOK.")

endwalker: candie stations herself in sharlayan; they DESPERATELY need culinary help over there. her and [bunny cul/alc studium quest girl] are very fast friends.

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